Helping your business survive a natural disaster - ATO

Australia has experienced more natural disasters in the last few months, and over a greater area of the country, than ever before in such a short period of time.



The ATO, to its credit, has responded quickly and their efforts have helped accountants and financial planners offer support and assistance to their clients through these very tough times. 

In Australia, natural disasters such as floods, bushfires or storms can strike without warning. You can make sure your business is prepared by planning how your business might recover from a natural disaster.

If you are affected by a disaster or major incident, we, the ATO, understand that dealing with your tax affairs may not be a priority. We will give you time to deal with your more immediate problems first and can work with your accountant or help you directly to sort out your tax affairs later. Where your tax records have been damaged or destroyed, we, the ATO, can help you to reconstruct them.

We can also provide support by giving you more time to lodge, pay and respond.

If you or your business is affected by a disaster and you need further assistance, phone your accountant, or the ATO on 1800 806 218.


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The Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

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